The Indiana Municipal Power Association (IMPA) is planning to construct a new $2.1-million solar park just outside Peru next year.
The 1-MW solar park will have 3,888 solar panels owned by Peru Utilities.
The Miami County Council has approved a 10-year tax abatement on the project, which is estimated to generate over $250,000 in tax revenue over the next decade.
The IMPA, a wholesale electric power provider serves 59 cities and towns in Indiana, including Peru. They plan to build similar solar parks in Richmond, Frankton and Rensselaer.
The solar farms will ensure a stable source of electric energy for the IMPA as well as its member owners.

According to IMPA, this solar park site becomes a showcase for Miami County as well as Peru. The park will show that IMPA, Miami County and Peru are progressing towards renewable energy achievement.
After completion, the facility will be open for tours to local schools and other groups to teach them on renewable energy.
The solar park is expected to commence operation by June.
Latin America has plans to install more than 700 megawatts in 2014 and is poised for a pace of market growth. The project development sector is active and volatile in the region. The 3 countries to watch are Mexico, Brazil and Chile.
Here, markets are poised for gradual, steady growth, but they are complex and not without risk. Mexico is driven by distributed generation, self-supply and small power producer program. Brazil’s solar market will be driven by DG and the state. Chile’s market will be driven by PPAs and merchant solar.