Etrion announces solar project updates for Chile

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Etrion has updated on the completed as well as proposed solar photovoltaic projects for Chile.

In November 2014, Etrion completed 70 megawatt Salvador solar park in northern Chile.

Project Salvador is owned initially 70 percent by Etrion, 20 percent by Total and 10 percent by a local developer.

The solar park was built by SunPower under a long-term, fixed‐price operation and maintenance agreement.

During the commissioning and testing, Project Salvador produced approximately 6.7 million kilowatt-hours of electricity.

The Project is expected to enter full operational phase by February 2015.

The electricity produced will be sold to the Sistema Interconectado Central electricity network.

photo credit nationalmirroronline
photo credit nationalmirroronline

The remaining four Chile projects owned fully by Etrion totaling 99 MW are going through various stages of development and construction.

The Aguas Blancas solar projects in the Antofagasta region include three sites, 2A, 2B and 2C, with a total capacity of 72 MW in the Sistema Interconectado del Norte Grande (SING) electricity network.

Aguas Blancas 2A is a 32 MW site with the land concession decree expected in Q1-2015.

Besides, the Aguas Blancas 2B is a 24 MW site and Aguas Blancas 2C is a 16 MW site.

Las Luces is a 27 MW solar project in the Atacama region with one site in the SIC electricity network.

Once Etrion secures PPAs and the financing, construction works will begin for all projects which are expected to be operational within twelve months.

Etrion is one of the major solar power developers in Chile, with 70 MW operational and 99 MW of projects under development.

Chile has high solar irradiation, an investment grade credit rating, a deregulated electricity sector with contracts denominated in US dollars, significant energy demand from the mining sector and high wholesale electricity prices.

This combination of factors makes Chile one of the first solar markets in the world to reach grid parity.

Sabeena Wahid

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