Duke Energy warns customers on pending payment in South Carolina

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Duke Energy said it will start sending bills to its customers for collect pending payments in South Carolina. It may start the process of disconnections for non-payment of electric service from 12 October 2020.

South Carolina, customers who are experiencing financial issues due to the Covid-19 pandemic will have until October to pay previous balances to their accounts or make payment arrangements.

Duke Energy Carolinas and Duke Energy Progress – the company’s electric utilities in South Carolina – will return to standard billing and payment practices as of Oct. 1. Customers will be getting notices about their past-due balances. The earliest possible date their electric service could be disconnected is Oct. 12.

For several months, the company has been reaching out to customers behind on their bills to offer payment plans. It is working with customers to prevent the disconnection of electric service.

The company urges customers to take advantage of available financial support through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds available through statewide community action agencies.

The company launched a series of steps to help customers, including voluntarily suspending disconnections for non-payment, as well as late-payment fees and other payment related fees.

Duke Energy Foundation has contributed more than $500,000 in Foundation and corporate funds to South Carolina not-for-profit organizations, focusing on hunger relief, social services and bill assistance needs of its customers and communities, as well as support for small businesses.

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