CS Energy completes 25.6 MW solar project in New Jersey

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CEP Renewables, CS Energy, Terrasmart, Lindsay Precast and NJR Clean Energy Ventures, announced they have completed the largest landfill solar project in North America.

This 25.6 megawatt (dc) solar project in Mount Olive, New Jersey has enabled the township to recoup nearly $2.3 million in past taxes while transitioning the former Combe Fill North Landfill Superfund site into a revenue-generating, clean energy asset.

CEP has experience in the redevelopment of environmentally impaired sites, including the BFI South Brunswick landfill, the Old Bridge Clay Pits site, the Warren Quarry and Sand Pit in Monroe Township, the BEMS Landfill in Southampton Township; and the Fibermark Paper Plant brownfield in Holland Township.

CS Energy has completed 216 MW of landfill solar projects since 2011, making the company a perfect choice to design and construct the Mount Olive project.

NJR Clean Energy Ventures will own and operate the Mount Olive solar facility long-term. CEP Renewables owns the land for this project, which is being leased to NJR Clean Energy Ventures.

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