Arctech, a global leader in solar tracking, racking, and BIPV solutions, has inked a pivotal contract with China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) for the provision of a cutting-edge 500MW solar tracking system. This milestone project is set to be established in Sherabad, within the Surkhandarya Province of Uzbekistan.
Arctech will implement its highly advanced SkyLine II solar tracking system for this venture. Distinguished by its stiff tracker design with a synchronous multi-point drive mechanism, the system is engineered to withstand high wind speeds of up to 22m/s. This allows for enhanced sun tracking, leading to extended hours of sun exposure, subsequently amplifying power generation and optimizing economic returns for project owners. Moreover, the robustness provided by the multi-point drive mechanism allows for safe stowing at 0-degree, a crucial feature in preventing module cracks and damages.
The Sherabad solar PV power project, spanning over 600 hectares, is a ground-mounted solar endeavor that has officially commenced comprehensive construction. Anticipated to be grid-connected by the culmination of 2023, the project is poised to generate an estimated 1,040,000MWh of electricity, adequately powering approximately 300,000 households. Significantly, this development addresses Uzbekistan’s energy deficit, diminishes reliance on fossil fuels, advances the restructuring of local energy frameworks, and propels the “Green Silk Road” initiative.
The year 2023 marks the tenth anniversary of the inception of “the Belt and Road” initiative. Uzbekistan, strategically positioned in Central Asia, plays a pivotal role as a key nexus country in the construction of “the Belt and Road”. Collaboratively, China and Uzbekistan have achieved noteworthy milestones in new energy cooperation. During a recent state visit by the President of Uzbekistan to China, the two nations solidified their commitment to constructing 11 solar and wind power plants, boasting a collective installed capacity of 4.8GW.
In addition to the Sherabad project, Arctech has clinched contracts for two other significant projects in Uzbekistan, namely the 1GW photovoltaic power generation project in Qashqadaryo Viloyati and Buxoro, as well as the 240MW solar photovoltaic power generation plant in Tashkent. These developments underscore Arctech’s dedication to driving sustainable energy solutions and reinforcing its position as an industry leader.