AB 405 impact: Vivint Solar to restore operations in Nevada

By Editor


Vivint Solar announced that it plans to re-enter the Nevada residential solar systems market.

The company plans to restore operations in the state following the Nevada Legislature’s passing of Assembly Bill 405 and stated commitment by Governor Sandoval to sign the bill into law.

Vivint Solar closed its operations in Nevada in 2015 following regulation that changed solar net energy metering rules and the state’s primary utility reaching its net metering cap.

AB 405 reinstates a policy that allows Nevada residents to be reimbursed for excess rooftop solar generation, while providing additional rights to protect consumers and their solar energy system investments.

“We are very pleased Nevada officials have recognized the broad public support of rooftop solar and reestablished the state’s commitment to the future of renewable energy,” said David Bywater, CEO of Vivint Solar.

“This bill demonstrates the power of building consensus across stakeholders to find a win-win-win solution for the residential solar industry, utilities and Nevada consumers. We look forward to bringing jobs, consumer choice and affordable solar power back to the state of Nevada,” Bywater said.

Vivint Solar expects to create up to 60 jobs in Nevada in the coming months and approximately 100 total jobs once it fully resumes operations in the state.

Once it returns to Nevada, Vivint Solar will operate in 18 states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and Utah) and Washington D.C.


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