Abu Dhabi targets 100% waste water recycling in 3 years

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Abu Dhabi emirate is planning to update water recycling infrastructure to utilize the entire recycled water within three years.

At present, Abu Dhabi recycles 100 per cent of 850,000 cubic meters of waste water generated per day.

However, only 60 per cent of the generated water is reused with the remaining 40 percent eliminated in the sea.

Al Ain is the first city in the country to reuse 100 per cent of recycled water, where this method is adopted successfully, said, Alan Thomson, managing director, Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC).

Consumers can use this recycled water for agriculture, forestry and landscaping which will be made available free of cost. The project is expected to complete within three years.


Al Ain city recycles 190,000 cubic meters of waste water it generates a day, which is fully distributed for reuse with only five per cent being lost during distribution.

A single network was built to distribute the recycled water and now consumers have to arrange their own network within their premises for using recycled water. Fully subsidized water itself is the incentive for consumers.

Utilization of recycled water lowers carbon footprint considerably as desalination with fossil fuels technology is used for water generation, a major environmental achievement.

Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi and Abu Dhabi Government will be requested to construct a 200-kilometre-long new pipe network to distribute recycled water in the greater Abu Dhabi region.

There is a huge demand for recycled water for agriculture, forestry and landscaping in greater Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi island and surrounding areas.

About 650,000 cubic meters of waste water is generated and recycled in greater Abu Dhabi area but only 60 per cent is reused.

Rajani Baburajan

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