Synthesis Energy Systems to set up a new China business platform

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Synthesis Energy Systems to set up a new China business platform

Greentech Lead Asia: Synthesis Energy Systems has decided
to set up a new China business platform. The new China platform will have
renewable biomass to power/fuels facility where technology product packages can
be sold in China and to western countries.

 SES said industry verticals will benefit from its U-GAS
gasification technology, which enables companies to reduce costs through the
use of low cost feed-stocks and to deliver clean energy or chemical products.

Besides providing these high value product packages, the
China platform will work to ensure these new efforts are sufficiently
capitalized to rapidly deploy the growth plans, ideally without dilution to the
SES parent company.

For the China initiative, SES has hired Roth Capital
Partners. As part of this effort, Roth will work with several parties that have
already indicated interest in partnering with the new China platform. Roth will
also work with the China platform to develop a strategy to separately list the
platform in the future.

ZJX and its principals have indicated their strong
support for the new China platform and their interest in identifying
opportunities to bring to the platform to rapidly enhance its value.

“Our enthusiasm over our company’s prospects in
China has never been greater. We believe our new China platform will enable us
to grow more quickly in China and to generate revenues and earnings. Our joint
venture project in Yima City is expected to become operational during the third
quarter of this year,” said Robert Rigdon, CEO of SES.

SES provides technology, equipment and engineering
services for the conversion of low rank, low cost coal and biomass feedstocks
into energy and chemical products. Its strategy is to create value through
providing technology and equipment in regions where low rank coals and biomass
feedstocks can be profitably converted into high value products through its
U-GAS fluidized bed gasification technology.

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