SFI acknowledged by Green Building Standard BREEAM

By Editor


The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) has been recognized by Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) for efficiently managing sourcing of forest products for the use of construction industry.

BREEAM is an environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings globally. There are more than a quarter of a million buildings with certified BREEAM assessment ratings.

The responsible sourcing of materials is an important factor of sustainable construction. It includes resource stewardship, corporate responsibility and sustainable procurement issues throughout the supply chain, said, Kathy Abusow, president and CEO, SFI.


Through this recognition, SFI enters a group of standards and organizations that acknowledge the merits of all forest certification programs. These organizations include World Business Council for Sustainable Development, The Sustainability Consortium, GreenBlue and the National Association of State Foresters, International Green Construction Code, Built Green Canada, and the ANSI accredited Green Building Initiative’s Green Globes standard.

BREEAM also approves the Forest Stewardship Council and the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).

In 2005, the SFI program was validated by PEFC. This authorization gives international value to SFI as a renowned third-party certification program in North America.

Forest certification standards like SFI provide a trust mark for responsible forestry and wood sourcing. Wood’s sustainability as a natural and renewable resource makes it a perfect environmental choice for construction.

The SFI Standard offers a guarantee that the forest has been managed for multiple environmental, social and economic values.


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