Dalmia Bharat Group spends around Rs. 1crore annually for environmental sustainability

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In an exclusive interaction with Greentech Lead, BK Singh, group head Marketing and Corporate Communications, Dalmia Bharat Group, discusses the various sustainability initiatives undertaken by the company.

What are the various sustainability initiatives by Dalmia Group to reduce carbon emission in manufacturing?

A category leader, Dalmia Bharat is amongst select global members of the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), Geneva. Our efforts on the Sustainability front are listed below:

Covering the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) Charter requirement of climate protection, emission reduction, responsible use of raw materials &fuel), our green initiatives include energy conservation and energy audit, waste utilisation/alternate fuel usage and municipal solid waste (GCV – 2601 Kcal/Kg). We also encourage alternate use of raw material that includes fly ash addition in our blended cement production, use of chemical gypsum, and lime sludge. We also undertake Green House Gases (GHG) inventorization as per Version 2, 2005, afforestation, and rain water harvesting.

We have also made sustained efforts towards renewable energy and installed wind mill with 16.5 MW capacity in Southern Tamil Nadu. We were the first in the state to undertake this initiative. Other efforts include use of solar water heaters, natural lighting through transparent roof sheets at 10 locations at our Dalmiapuram plant.

BK Singh, group head Marketing and Corporate Communications, Dalmia Bharat Group

We have a paperless office, for instance our hospital is also computerized. Also, we are actively involved in the PAT scheme and have taken up a number of energy saving PAT projects.

What are the various CSR initiatives undertaken by Dalmia, especially in environment/green areas?

        i.             Watershed Project : Dalmia Cement Bharat Limited (DCBL) and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) have joined hands to develop around 2000 hectares of land on watershed basis in Melarasur & Kovandakurichi Villages of Trichy District, Tamil Nadu with an estimated outlay of the project is 25 million.

      ii.            Soil and Water Conservation : DBGF engages with the local communities and various line departments in promoting individual farm ponds, community ponds, drip irrigation, check dams and deepening of village ponds

    iii.            Renewable energy : an initiative aimed at harnessing renewables sources of energy and also aims at reducing Co2 emissions

Promotion of family bio gas plants, fuel efficient chulahs – 70  percent fuel efficiency, solar lanterns, solar street light and solar water heater

     iv.            Partner with Communities in increasing Green Cover in villages at our target areas. We also

observe International Days (World Water Day / Environment Day / Earth Hour) by conducting rallies and awareness sessions.

How much budget you have allocated for this? Where do you derive these funds from? 

  • Funds outlay: On average 25 – 30 percent of our annual budget is provisioned for environment related initiatives, which would be around of 1.00 crore as per our Southern Region CSR Budget for 2013 – 14. Total CSR budget for FY 2013-14 (Cement + Sugar) comes around Rs. 5.47 crore.
  • Source of funds: Key source of funding is from DCBL but all our activities are driven by the ideology of engaging with local communities and Government Line Departments as partakers in our initiatives and not mere beneficiaries.

Describe the various technologies you use to save on fuel?

We utilize the latest technology in our equipment to ensure low energy, less impact on the environment, and this has been a practice for the past 75 years. Some of the examples include dry process technology, pre-calciner, multi-stage (6& 5 stages) preheater, waste heat utilization for drying moisture in raw material grinding, fly ash drying, and high efficiency burners.

Explain the various ways you manage waste in your factories? Do you recycle wastes from other industries? Please explain. 

We have developed the required capability including storage, lifting and feeding system with storage shed, lifting winch, rotary air lock, solid flow meter, screw feeder and FK pump to utilize various alternate fuels at our plant. These include-

  1. Carbon Black (GCV- 6252 Kcal/Kg)
  2. Process Waste –Plastic (GCV- 4500 Kcal/Kg)
  3. Dolachar Coal (GCV- 4360 Kcal/Kg)
  4. Our CPP Dry Fly ash (GCV – 2891 Kcal/Kg)
  5. Municipal Solid Waste (GCV – 2601 Kcal/Kg)

What are the various water conservation activities you are involved in?

We have a zero effluent discharge system-ETP, ensuring 100 percent water recycling. In addition, we treat colony sewage water for greenery development. This includes –

  • Air cooled Condensers in Our CPP
  • Air flap system instead of water cooling in FLS cooler to control the cooler temperature
  • Automations ( Ex: Auto valves / Floats  provisions for Overflow avoidance)
  • Zero Leakages
  • Daily water Monitoring System Format to track and timely actions
  • Ordinary tap cocks have been replaced with Lifting & Push type tap Cock
  • Treated waste water for gardening / road spray / clinker cooler spray / Cement Mill/Coal Mill spray

We also have rain water harvesting pond and roof top water collection system.

What is your contribution to the environment by being a member of Cement Sustainability Initiative?

Dalmia Cement is a member of CSI (Cement Sustainability Initiative, under the aegis of the WBCSD, Geneva). Consequently it is bound by the CSI’s charter on sustainability. We adhere to the exacting and very comprehensive standards of the CSI, and contribute towards climate protection and CO2emission reduction, and responsible use of fuels and raw material.

Our specific initiatives are listed below-

  1. f.        Emission Reduction


  • Air Pollution Control Equipment
  • Pipe Conveyors
  • Fugitive Emission Control Measures
  • Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System with Weather Monitor
  • Online Stack Emission Monitor for SPM
  • Online  SO2, NOx & CO Analyzer for our Kiln Stacks
  • CARE Air System Connectivity
  • Emission Display board at our Factory Main gate
  1. g.       Employee Health & Safety
  • Daily Safety Inspection & bi monthly EHS Audit carried out
  • Invoking ‘Safety Pledge’ before start-up of all meetings
  • Involved line managers in safety Management system
  • Work Permit with Lockout& Tag out System followed
  • Visitors Instruction card with dos & don’ts provided
  • Safety Patrolling round the Clock during Annual shut down
  • Display of various safety signage in the plant in English and local language
  • Updated Emergency Response Plan & Mock drills done
  • Helmet & Safety shoes worn from the gate by all employees
  • 100 percent availability and easy replenishment of PPE ensured
  • PPE’s Issued on usage & damage; not on annual basis
  • PPE replaced on return of old ones, to avoid littering/misuse
  • Used PPE are disposed properly by feeding them in the kiln
  • Maintenance of Safety Harness & certification carried out
  • Providing Special Type of PPE’s to make work in high risk areas comfortable & safe – Fire suit, SCBA etc.
  • All Welding machines are inspected and certified by DCBL electrical deptartment. & “Tested – OK” stickers provided on Quarterly basis. Colour code given for easy identification of validity.
  • Monitoring & Maintenance of Fire Hydrant Lines, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Detectors ensured
  • Fire Tender – Well maintained & Service extended to nearby areas also.
  • Fire training given to employees and Security personnel.
  • Eyewash showers, Wind Socks, Convex mirrors etc. are maintained in trim condition.
  • Industrial Visit  for Safety Committee Members and Stewards
  • Brochures issued to public for safe bursting of crackers.
  • Safety Guest Lecture to ITI students, school children, house wives & surrounding public are organized.
  • Pamphlets on ‘Safety Instructions for Drivers’ issued to the truck operators, once in every three months.
  • Safety Helmets issued to truck operators at the gate.
  • Road Safety Training conducted to truck operators through External Faculty. Issue of Drivers Passport planned.
  1. h.      Reporting and Communications

Statutory Report to TNPCB, CPCB & MoEF

  • CARE Air Centre Connectivity
  • Emission Display board at our Gate
  • Internal Communication/Awareness Campaign
  • World Environment Day Celebration
  • “No Plastic” Drive at our Colony
  • Productivity Week Celebration
  • “Go Green” Suggestion Scheme for our Employee

Any suggestions to Government of India to help the cement manufacturing industry become environmentally sustainable?

We believe simplification of the approvals procedure, assistance in ensuring availability of waste, and recognition schemes (including monetary) to promote green and sustainable practices will help to a large extent. Forming an information sharing forum can also play a key role in the industry becoming environmentally sustainable.

Rajani Baburajan



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