The Hill Group crosses $5.3 M mark in energy costs

By Editor


The Hill Group has surpassed the $5,300,000 mark in utility costs saved for its customers.

The significant savings are caused from the achievement to buildings’ mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems and leveraging $5,600,000 in incentives to help offset upfront costs.

The social and environmental aspect of the local communities was also a substantial point that contributed to this accomplishment.

Hill has performed most of the energy savings projects in a coordinated and professional manner, achieving over $165,000 in annual savings and a reduction in carbon emissions equal to 252 cars.


In addition, the Hill Team has pursued $117,000 in rebates and grants.

The Hill Group has further growth plans in energy solutions and sustainability sector.

The energy cost savings in the first year was about 20 percent reduction in cost, as the building is let to sleep at the end of the day, waking it up in the morning, said Ralph Grieco, head of facilities, Morton Arboretum.

The Hill Group is a pioneer in improved energy efficiency construction methods at the Arboretum due to the trust gained with them and the experience level they have showed in knowledge of mechanical systems, added Ralph.

Considering the past success, health of the environment and economy of the locality will continue to benefit from the energy solutions provided by Hill, hoped Ralph.

The Hill Group is one of the nation’s comprehensive mechanical construction, design, service and operations companies.

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