Telefonix installs 10 EV charging stations at Melink HQ

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Telefonix has announced the installation of ten L1 PowerPost Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Melink Corporation’s LEED Platinum and Net-Zero Energy headquarters located in Milford, Ohio.

PowerPost charging stations are known for their efficiency in workplace electric vehicle charging.

In 2011, Melink Corporation won a national Green Fleet award in recognition of its commitment to reduce vehicle emissions and reliance on petroleum fuels.

Originally designed as a LEED Gold building, the Melink Headquarters achieved LEED Platinum certification in 2010 as well as an EnergyStar rating of 99.

In 2011, it became one of the first existing buildings to go Net-Zero Energy.

Steve Melink, Melink Corporation founder, standing next to 10 L1 PowerPost(TM) Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at his LEED Platinum and Net-Zero Energy headquarters located in Milford, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati.
Steve Melink, Melink Corporation founder, standing next to 10 L1 PowerPost(TM) Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at his LEED Platinum and Net-Zero Energy headquarters located in Milford, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati.

Telefonix and Melink are both members of the Workplace Charging Challenge, an initiative to expand the EV Everywhere program as part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Clean Energy Grand Challenges.

The challenge encourages companies to increase the amount of workplace charging for electric vehicle drivers in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emission.

Recently, the Department of Energy conducted a Workplace Charging Challenge survey of employers that offer workplace charging.

According to the survey, the employees that are offered charging at work are 20 times more likely to drive a Plugin Electric Vehicle.

The survey also showed that 80 percent of these employers offered EV charging as a benefit to retain and attract a talented, modern workforce.

Sabeena Wahid

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