World leaders pledge at Paris climate conference

By Editor


In one of the largest gatherings of world leaders, Paris today witnessed some of the serious commitments on fighting climate change.

The city which has not yet recovered from the shocks of the recent terrorist attacks however showed a sturdy face to the world once again proving that a minority of evil forces cannot let the world down on any front.

U.S president Barack Obama, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping were among the top leaders who expressed their concerns over the growing challenges on planet Earth and called for the necessary actions from stakeholders to thwart climate challenges.

French president Francois Hollande welcomed the leaders saying that future of the world depends on the Paris climate deal. He added that Paris would not choose between fighting terrorism and global warming.

Addressing the world leaders at the conference Obama said the conference represents an act of defiance after the barbaric acts by terrorists that killed 130 people in the city.

“What greater rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshalling our best efforts to save it,” he said.

“We know the truth, that many nations have contributed little to climate change but will be the first to feel its most destructive effects,” Obama said adding that climate change is a threat to the very existence of some island nations.

U.S will pledge new contributions to the least developed countries fund on Thursday, he added.

Putin said that from 1991 to 2012, Russia reduced its emissions equivalent to 40 billion tons of CO2 while the country has doubled its GDP.

German chancellor Angela Merkel reiterated that Paris talks is about creating the foundation, a possible life for future generation. Paris climate deal must be comprehensive, ambitious, fair and binding, she added.

Chinese president Xi Jinping talked about how China is engaged in climate change commitments through its policies.

Next year China will launch cooperation projects for 10 low carbon industrial parks and more than 100 mitigation projects in other countries, he said. Tackling climate change is a shared mission and it should call for new relationships that create a win-win outcome for all, he added.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon reminded world leaders that Paris climate talks could not afford indecision or half measures.

More updates to follow.

Image courtesy:

Rajani Baburajan

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