A World Bank study title, ‘Utility Scale DSM Opportunities and Business Models in India,’ has pegged India’s energy efficiency market at Rs. 1.6 Lakh Crores ($23.6 billion approx).
The study estimates renewed Demand Side Management (DSM) market potential in the country to be 178 billion kWh of energy savings per annum. This figure roughly translates into 18-20 percent of the current levels of all India annual electricity consumption and 150 million tons of annual CO2 emissions reduction potential, he added.
The study has placed five states, namely, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Kerala, in terms of their overall energy efficiency implementation readiness.
The Ministry of Power, Government of India has fixed energy savings targets for XII Plan period (2012-17) as 60.5 BU (billion units) through various energy efficiency interventions.