Skajaquoda launches portable wind turbine with 15W generator

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Skajaquoda, a company focusing on sustainable technologies, has announced the launch of a portable wind turbine that charges any USB device like your smart phone or tablet.  

Trinity folds together into a 12″ cylinder that you can carry with you wherever you go. It features a 15W generator and a built in battery that holds 15,000 mAh. It’s extremely simple to operate Trinity.

Trinity wind turbine power stationTo open the three blades you simply pull out the 11″ aluminum legs and arrange them in either a tripod configuration or laid flat depending on your circumstances. To close Trinity you push the legs back in and the blades close automatically.

On the bottom Trinity has a USB plug to charge you devices and a mini USB plug to charge Trinity in a wall socket.

The short battery life of most phones and tablets can be really frustrating. With Trinity you have the freedom to charge your USB devices anywhere in the world with sustainable energy. Your phone, your tablet, these small things contain so much information we need constant access to.

Trinity allows you to charge your smart phone up to 4-6 times before it has to be recharged either by itself (using the wind) or simply plug it into a wall output so it can be fully charged before you leave your home.

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