Greentech Lead Asia: Renewable energy is contributing 12.5 percent to total power generation in India, according to Farooq Abdullah, minister for New & Renewable Energy.
The present installed capacity of power generation in India is about 2,12,829 MW which includes 26,920 MW from renewable sources.
The ministry has projected a capacity addition of about 29,800 MW from renewable energy sources during 12th Plan period. It is expected that the contribution of renewable power in the total installed capacity would be in the range of 16 to 17 percent at the end of 12th Five Year Plan.
To promote renewable energy, the ministry supports Research and Development on various aspects of renewable energy at universities, institutions and industry across the country.
In addition, the ministry has established specialized centres namely Solar Energy Centre, Centre for Wind Energy Technology and National Institute of Renewable Energy for carrying out research and testing in Solar, Wind and Bio-energy technologies.
Meanwhile, the targets fixed for capacity addition for thermal and hydro power for 2012-13 are well exceeded.
The target of 15956 MW fixed for non-nuclear capacity addition through conventional sources – thermal and hydro for the year 2012-13 has been well achieved and exceeded with the capacity addition of 16,407 MW. The achievement of 16,407 MW comprises 4397 MW from the central sector, 2907 MW from the state sector and 9103 MW in the private sector.