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Google buys wind energy from NextEra Energy to power HQ


Google is partnering with NextEra Energy to power its Googleplex headquarters in Mountain View at California.

Google will enter into a 20-year agreement with NextEra Energy for buying wind power from the plants on Altamont Pass in eastern Alameda and Contra Costa counties.

Beginning from 2016, Google will receive approximately 43 MW of wind energy from this plant according to the contract.

The deal also specifies providing fund for replacing 370 old turbines with advanced 24 ones.

However, the cost of the project was not announced so far.

According to a Greenpeace report, Google recently achieved big strides in their commitment towards environmental concerns.

In addition to maximum utilization of renewable energy to power its buildings and global data centers, Google is also making investments in various renewable energy assets.

In a recent initiative, Google unveiled a new plan to invest in two renewable energy projects worth more than $1.5 billion.

The first project consists of a $76 million investment in the Balko Wind project in Oklahoma.

The second major project involves a solar financing arrangement, which supports the 104 MW Red Hills solar power plant in Utah worth $157 million.

Lat month, Parker Ranch Foundation Trust (PRFT) joined hands with NextEra Energy Resources to develop wind energy projects on the Big Island of Hawaii.

NextEra Energy is acquiring Hawaiian Electric Co. for $4.3 billion. According to the deal, NextEra Energy will provide long-term access rights to PRFT lands to develop new renewable energy projects.

In addition, NextEra will enter into a PPA deal for the six projects on behalf of the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission.

Recently, The Bluewater Wind Energy Center, owned by Bluewater Wind, an indirect subsidiary of NextEra Energy Canada announced that the Bluewater Wind Energy Center in Ontario has begun commercial operation.

The project includes 37 turbines and is capable of generating up to 60 MW of electricity, able to power 15,000 homes.

Sabeena Wahid

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