

Frost & Sullivan to have an online conference on top energy and environment trends of 2015

Frost & Sullivan has identified the top 15 trends that will impact the energy and environment sectors in 2015. What the future has in store...

Fund and technology issues to be resolved ahead of Paris Summit ; says Javadekar

For the Paris climate talks to set in motion, finance and technology concerns faced by developing countries like India need to be tackled first,...

India needs to balance environment issues and sustainable development

Prakash Javadekar, the Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change, said India needs to balance the efforts towards environment protection and sustainable development. The Minister...

Lamp recycling in Manila under environmental scrutiny

Public health and zero waste promoters are visiting the Lamp Waste Management Facility (LWMF) on Sept. 10 in Taguig City of Manila, Philippines. They are...

EU members pledge to recycle 70% of municipal waste by 2030

  European Commission pledged that members have to recycle 70 percent of their municipal waste and 80 percent of packaging waste by 2030, and stop...