Vela Solaris in pact with Northern Lights Solar Solutions to develop software for solar hot water heating systems


Vela Solaris in pact with Northern Lights Solar Solutions to develop software for solar hot water heating systems

Northern Lights Solar Solutions announced their new
customized Polysun Software package, an easy to use and precise software
tool. Polysun Software package is developed in partnership with Vela

With the new simulation software jointly developed with
Polysun, Northern Lights Solar Solutions
customized planning and design of their solar hot water heating package

“Polysun is proud to announce its first partnership in
Canada in collaboration with Northern Lights Solar Solutions. The partnership
with Northern Lights is an excellent opportunity to provide their dealers with
an easy to use and precise tool to sell solar systems,” said Simon
Geisshuesler, CMO, head of sales and marketing at Vela Solaris

Polysun enables the installer to run easy professional
and accurate simulations when it comes to planning and selling solar hot water
heating systems. Polysun software brings the customization of solar system
installations to the customer.

Polysun simulation software brings precision in
calculating and designing solar heating installations by providing detailed and
analytical project results.

Polysun’s Northern Lights version contains a selection of
solar hot water heating schemes that can be adapted according to the customers’
needs. The simulation will lead to a detailed series of performance results and
forecasts. Polysun Software package has an efficiency of the entire
solar thermal system down to individual component level.

“Thanks to the combined development of the customized
Polysun Simulation Software, Northern Lights Solar Solutions now offers
customized solar simulations built directly around their pre-designed packaged
solar hot water heating systems, completing it’s “Plug’n Save” product range,”
said Director of Solar thermal Dan Jung.

“This software tool will accurately predict the
performance of any one of our pre-packaged solar heating systems making it a
valuable tool for our dealers and customers,” Jung added.

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