Solar Data Systems will launch the Solar-Log 350 & GE Meter at the approaching Solar Power International Tradeshow to be held from October 20-23 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
This first of a new series, the meter is designed for the residential PV market, which consists of a General Electric I-210+ residential meter and Solar-Log’s proven technology that provides cellular data access and PV monitoring services.
The Meter begins automatic service once plugged in to a socket meter base, thus making the complex and time consuming LAN and inverter connectivity outdated. It is compatible with all kind of micro inverters and string inverters.
The built-in Solar-Log technology precisely monitors solar incoming data needed to collect incentives, including performance-based incentives (PBIs), solar renewable energy certificates (SRECs), and many other financial incentive programs.

The GE meter aims to provide a monitoring device which can be integrated with all residential plants, easy to install and needs no onsite configuration. It comes with 5 years of cellular data and Solar-Log WEB services included, all at a price that is reasonable, says, Anton Kaeslin, president, Solar Data Systems.
In addition, this Meter communicates with servers and online applications through a 3G cellular modem. With no need for on-site configuration all functions can be re-configured and monitored remotely. This package includes cellular data and Solar-Log WEB monitoring services for 5 years.
The Solar-Log WEB online monitoring application comes with a Dashboard for plant performance data presentation graphically and numerically. In addition, iPhone and Android apps enable plant monitoring in progress.
This meter will be displayed at the Solar Power International tradeshow.