Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG &E) was ranked No.1 utility solar leader with an unbeatable 1471 MW annual installation, followed by San Diego Gas & Electric with 643 MW installation in 2013, according to the Solar Power stats released by Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA).
Other utilities in the top 10 list include Arizona Public Service (417 MW), Southern California Edition (373 MW), Duke Energy Progress (373 MW), National Grid (111 MW), Public Service Electric & Gas Company (103 MW), Hawaiian Electric Company (96 MW), Georgia Power Company (59 MW), and Duke Energy Carolinas (58 MW) in the order of their rankings.
Sterling Municipal Light Dept was ranked No.1 in terms of annual W/customer while PG &E was ranked No.1 in annual interconnections. Hawaiian Electric Company with 47 projects was at the top in terms of annual interconnections per 1,000 customers.
Utilities ranked in this year’s SEPA Top 10 accounted for 82 percent of all solar capacity in 2013. The rankings measured a utility’s newly installed solar power, including photovoltaic and concentrating solar power technologies that were interconnected between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2013.
A survey conducted by SEPA as part of this ranking showed that 70 percent of responding utilities are offering customer solar incentives and 45 percent are offering programs for key accounts.