Pepco installs 505 KW system at BWI Airport

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Pepco installs 505 KW system at BWI Airport

Greentech Lead America: Pepco Energy Services, a
subsidiary of Pepco Holdings, has installed 505 kilowatt solar system at
Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. The BWI
airport installed new energy efficient lighting. Both installations are
expected to save the facility nearly $400,000 a year.

Pepco has installed eight-panel solar array on top of the
airport’s nine-story parking garage. The system will produce more than 600,000
kilowatt hours of energy a year, enough to power the parking garage and its two
electric car charging stations. The panels cost about $2.5 million. A
$500,000 grant from the Maryland Energy Administration helped fund the project.

BWI has replaced more than 40,000 lights in the terminal
and garages, renovated 64 escalators and moving walkways, and installed
low-flow toilets as well as faucets that use less water. The projects will
produce more than $2 million in annual guaranteed energy savings, BWI says.

The improvements are expected to cut annual water use by
11 percent and energy consumption by 17 percent. Annual carbon dioxide
emissions will be reduced by 12,400 metric tons, the equivalent of burning 1.39
million gallons of gasoline.

The solar panel installation is part of a much larger
energy efficiency project at the airport.
Two years ago, the Maryland Board of Public Works approved a $21 million
contract with Pepco Energy Services to implement an energy efficiency program
for both BWI and the Martin State Airport.

Pepco Energy selected by DC Water to operate $170 million
combined heat & power plant

Recently, Pepco Energy Services signed an agreement with
the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water), a drinking water
and wastewater collection and treatment authority, to design, build and operate
a Combined Heat and Power plant at DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater
Treatment Plant.

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