Greentech Lead America:Geronimo Wind Energy has entered the solar energy sector with the launch of a solar power project development practice.Following this development Geronimo Wind Energy has been renamed to Geronimo Energy and Nathan Franzen was hired as director of Solar Development to lead the company’s foray into the market.Like its windbusiness, Geronimo plans to develop solar projects for commercial, industrial, and utility clients and will leverage its in-house project development and power marketing expertise to launch its commercial and utility-scale solar business.“The solarmarket has experienced exponential growth in the US as installed costs continue to decline and energy markets move towards market-based pricing structures that value the on-peak power solar provides,” said Franzen. “With nearly 100 percent on-peak power production, solar is providing the marketplace with a clean alternative to traditional peaking facilities and capacity improvements.”
Franzen joins Geronimo from Westwood Professional Services, where he was the director of Solar Energy. His experience comprises of oversight and project management of over 100 commercial and utility-scale solar projects in 16 states, including overseeing project development, interconnection studies, engineering, and construction services.
“The solar market opportunity has become very clear given the tremendous cost declines in the industry that are making solar power competitive in new markets, such as the Midwest, where we have focused,” said Geronimo President Blake Nixon. “Hiring Nathan to lead our efforts enables us to hit the ground running, given his vast experience and the tremendous reputation he holds in the solar industry.”