Gamesa Electric awarded major solar project in Honduras

By Editor


Gamesa Electric has been awarded a major solar project in Honduras which involves the supply of solar power stations and control for a 53,31MWp project in Honduras.

With this operation, Gamesa Electric reinforces its presence in LATAM, with a new supply contract in a country in its first development stages for PV renewable energy, and with a new customer with an interesting future portfolio of projects.

Gamesa Electric will deliver the Solar Power Stations to Honduras in Q1-2016 and the project will be commissioned in early Q2-2016

The new order makes the company’s total accumulated backlog of more than 275MWp in the last one and a half year. Some of the other recent project wins include 50MWdc plant in the Philippines, the 32MWp in Panama, 23,5MWp in UK and 10MWp in India.

For Honduras project, Gamesa Electric Power Plant Controller will ensure the fulfillment of the Honduras Grid Code requirements of the complete PV plant including P-Q commands, Voltage and power factor regulation and Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT).

The PPC will receive commands from the Honduras National Grid Operator, and through a real-time controller, will send communication signals to the Gamesa PV inverters to fulfill the received command in the Point of Common Coupling (PCC), the company said.

Rajani Baburajan

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