Cambio Energy picks Enphase microinverters 302kW solar carport in Arizona

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Greentech Lead America:Enphase Energy announced that Cambio Energy of Tempe, Ariz. has completed a 302kW solar installation at Tempe Plaza, using the advanced Enphase Microinverter System.Four rows of carport parking with 1,211 microinverters now provide solar power to the retail and office strip mall tenants and shade for shoppers. Safety, ease of installation and maximum energy harvest capacity were key factors in choosing Enphase microinverters instead of a traditional central inverter.

“We chose Enphase microinverters in order to eliminate high-voltage DC and reduce component expenses, saving us time and money during the installation process,” said Dillon Holmes of Cambio Energy. “And with real-time monitoring we can accurately forecast total energy output and troubleshoot the array for the lifetime of the system.”

Arizona is second only to California in combined state-level residential and commercial solar installations, according to the 2012 Q3 SEIA/GTM Research U.S. Solar Market Insight report. As average installation costs decline, solar energy capacity is expected to trend upward in top-tier solar markets.

“We are delighted with the increasing adoption of Enphase in commercial solar projects in Arizona, and the opportunity to work with companies such as Cambio Energy,” said Paul Nahi, CEO of Enphase Energy. “Solar integrators and project managers are recognizing the benefits of Enphase’s microinverter technology and driving the adoption of solar as the leading renewable energy source.”

The Enphase Microinverter System offers a new approach to the installation, operation and maintenance of solar energy systems. Enphase Microinverters, the Envoy Communications Gateway and Enlighten web-based monitoring and analysis software work together to deliver increased energy harvest and unparalleled solar system intelligence.

To date, Enphase has shipped over 2.6 million microinverters and is selling into nine countries across Europe, North America and Asia Pacific.

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