Jupiter Power starts Callisto I battery energy storage facility in Houston

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Jupiter Power has started operations of 400MWh of dispatchable power to the ERCOT grid from its Callisto I battery energy storage facility in Houston, Texas.

Callisto I Energy Center is a 200MW/400MWh battery energy storage system located in central Houston, five miles from the Medical Center and ten miles from the Houston Ship Channel at the site of a former HL&P H.O. Clarke fossil fuel power plant. The site can accommodate an additional 400MW/800MWh of battery energy storage generation.

This project responds to lawmakers’ calls to increase affordable and dispatchable new generation in an area where people need more power. Callisto I is the first energy storage project at this scale in the City of Houston and will help meet Houston’s growing power needs, said Andy Bowman, Chief Executive Officer of Jupiter Power.

Callisto I represents Jupiter Power’s expansion of large-scale operational battery energy storage projects outside of West Texas and into Houston.

Callisto I is Jupiter’s ninth project in ERCOT, bringing its total ERCOT fleet to 1,375MWh. In December 2023, Jupiter Power announced the closing of a $65.2 million financing with First Citizens Bank to finance the construction of Callisto I.

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