Sonnenbatterie has launched sonnenCommunity in Germany to connect all energy producers and consumers, allowing them to supply one another with renewable energy.
The new concept, according to company officials, will make a traditional power company unnecessary.
“With the sonnenCommunity, we offer all households that want to determine their own energy future access to affordable, clean electricity for the first time,” says Christoph Ostermann, CEO of Sonnenbatterie.
With this new development Sonnenbatterie GmbH will be renamed sonnen GmbH. sonnen is the umbrella brand for the intelligent battery storage system sonnenBatterie and the networked electricity community sonnenCommunity.
sonnenCommunity consists primarily of homeowners with a photovoltaic system and a sonnenBatterie that stores surplus power.
Surplus electricity that can’t be consumed or stored is shared online with the sonnenCommunity and thereby made available to members who currently need power.
Members of this community can also direct-market their surplus electricity with an additional profit to the feed-in-tariff and pay a price significantly below the average of traditional suppliers for electricity they don’t produce themselves.
The sonnenCommunity combines three technologies: decentralized power generation, advanced battery storage technology and digital networking. Control is assumed by a powerful, self-learning software platform that connects the individual members of the community.
By monitoring the production and consumption data of the members in real time the platform balances supply and demand.
Even households without the ability to generate their own power or without their own battery storage device can obtain electricity from the community.
Rajani Baburajan