Six renewable energy trade associations in UK have released a joint call for a clear and steady backing for the green energy ahead of the next general election.
The group has launched a Renewables Manifesto drawing six key tests of parties commitment to green energy, arguing that the sector can tear the UK’s reliance on volatile energy imports while ensuring that emissions targets are met and new high value jobs are created.
The group, consisting of ADBA (Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association), the British Photovoltaic Association, the Renewable Energy Association, RenewableUK, Scottish Renewables, and the Solar Trade Association, called on parties to support for the Climate Change Act and the emissions targets.
The group has claimed that renewables can deliver 15 per cent of the UK’s total heat, transport and electricity needs by 2020, rising to a 30 per cent share by 2030, supported by favorable policies.
It also debated that the parties should introduce a new renewables target for 2030 of 30 per cent of energy and backs the independent Committee on Climate Change’s recommendation to set a de-carbonization target for the power sector for the same date.
In the end, the group demanded an obligation to fund the Renewable Heat Incentive beyond 2016, to enhance the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation to attain the 10 per cent renewable energy target for transport by 2020 and support for reforms to EU Emissions Trading Scheme making sure that market considers all sectors’ polluting cost of carbon emissions.
In addition, a campaign Action for Renewables website was launched to involve the public, asking them to write to party leaders to commit their six resolutions ahead of the General Election.
Consistent support for renewable energy is necessary to cut carbon emissions, tackle climate change, harness growth opportunities and reduce reliance on fossil fuel imports, said Tony Juniper, chair of Action for Renewable, former executive director, Friends of the Earth.
None of these technologies can grow without political support and voters will have to ask Party Leaders to back up the manifesto.