Fujitsu Group receives Environmental Communication Awards for excellence in environmental reporting


Fujitsu Group receives Environmental Communication Awards for excellence in environmental reporting

By Greentech Lead Team: Fujitsu announced that its 2011
Fujitsu Group Sustainability Report has received the Prize for Excellence in
Environmental Reporting.

The 2011 Fujitsu Group Sustainability Report is organized
based on the five priority issues set forth in the Fujitsu Group’s Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) policy.

The 15th Environmental Communication Awards is sponsored by
Japan’s Ministry of the Environment and the Global Environmental Forum. The
ministry recognized the report for its excellence in disclosing information
relating to Fujitsu Group’s environmental management strategy and initiatives,
as well as the company’s environmental sustainability efforts.

Since 1997, the Environmental Communication Awards have been
carried out annually with the goal of promoting companies’ environmental
communications initiatives through public recognition.

With a focus this year on the theme of strategic
environmental management and information disclosure, the 15th Environmental
Communication Awards recognize companies and the reports that to promote their
notable initiatives and information disclosure efforts.

The Fujitsu Group is engaged in environmental management as
one of its top priorities. The company has established a medium-term
environmental vision, targeted for 2020, that lays out the role and direction
sought by the Fujitsu Group, as well as a concrete environmental action plan
based on this vision that takes into consideration recent environmental
challenges. Furthermore, through its ISO14001-certified environmental
management system, the Fujitsu Group is promoting environmental management on a
global scale.

The report covers Fujitsu’s environmental management in full
detail, including its environmental vision, strategy, and other approaches, as
well as environmental accounting. In addition, it reports specific results and
achievements from the Stage VI of Fujitsu Group’s Environmental Protection
Program, which runs from fiscal 2010 through fiscal 2012.

The publication was audited by a third-party institution and
includes an independent assurance report. The 2011 Fujitsu Group Sustainability
Report also complies with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines Version
3.1 (G3.1) standard, and corresponds to GRI Application Level B+.

Recently Fujitsu unveiled Enterprise Telephony System LEGEND-V, a new IP-PBX product for building IP-based enterprise telephony systems.