Energy saving tips for homes

By Editor


Some effective energy saving tips that can be adopted at homes are given below.

save  energy

  •  Use fluorescent tubelights and energy-efficient CFLs in fixtures for indoor lighting at home for high-quality and high-efficiency lighting.
  •  Outdoor lights can be powered by small PV modules that convert sunlight directly into electricity. Solar outdoor lights also come as stand- alone fixtures.
  •  Switch off lights and fans when there is nobody in the room.
  •  Electronic ballasts can reduce power consumption by 20 percent. Slim tube lights that are star-rated by BEE reduce power consumption by 20 percent.
  •   Use artificial lighting only when there is inadequate natural light.
  •  Avoid switching lights on and off frequently. This affects the lifespan of the lamps.
  •  Look for BEE-star labels on electrical appliances.
  •  Use electronic devices with occupancy sensors which switch on or off automatically.
  •  Switch off electrical appliances when not in use. Gadgets such as chargers, adaptors, inverters, televisions consume power even in the standby mode.
  •  Switch to evaporative coolers from air conditioners during summer months.
  •  Buy split ACs instead of window ACs. They are more energy efficient and consume lesser electricity.
  •  Do not install AC units on walls that are exposed to direct sunlight. Ensure that walls do not surround the AC unit on all sides. The condenser of the unit must have enough space around it for air to circulate.
  •  When using ACs avoid overcooling of the room. Set the thermostat at the highest point, and turn on the ceiling fan to circulate the cooled air effectively.
  •  Clean an AC unit’s filter periodically to enable efficient airflow and cooling.
  •  Do not use remote controls for switching off televisions, but switch off from the mains to save electricity.
  •  Purchase flat-screen LCD monitors.
  •  If computers must be left on, turn off the monitors.  Setting computers, monitors, and copiers to ‘sleep’ mode when not in use helps cut energy costs. Activate ‘power down’ on PCs and let screensavers switch to sleep mode when not active.
  •  Allow enough space for air circulation around refrigerators.
  •  Avoid opening refrigerator doors frequently as it leads to energy loss.
  •  Allow hot food items to cool to room temperature before putting them in refrigerators.
  •   Use solar water heaters instead of storage electric geysers as it saves 1500 units of electricity every year.
  •  Solar cookers use no fuel. They save cost as well as reduce environmental damage caused by fuel use. Many non-profit organizations are promoting the use of solar cooker to reduce fuel costs


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