Abound Solar accelerates production of next generation high-efficiency modules

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Abound Solar accelerates production of next generation high-efficiency modules


By Greentech Lead Team: Abound Solar, a
manufacturer of thin-film cadmium telluride photovoltaic modules, announced it
will accelerate the manufacturing process and equipment changes needed for the
production launch of its next generation high-efficiency “AB2″ 85 watt

Abound Solar already produced several-hundred
AB2 modules in early January 2012 on commercial production
equipment. Abound Solar’s new high efficiency “AB2″ 85 watt module
represents a 12.5 percent solar efficiency as verified by the U.S.
Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL).

The company will cease production of its
first-generation solar module to make the required equipment changes
at its production facilities. The suspension of first generation module production
will result in the temporary reduction of approximately 180 permanent jobs from
its Colorado facilities. The company expects to resume mass production
with a 12.5-13 percent efficiency module by the end of 2012.

“While this is a difficult move with regards to
temporarily reducing our workforce, we know that accelerating the introduction
of our next generation module will bring significant benefits to our customers
and allow us to create even more jobs in the future,” said
Witsoe, president and CEO of Abound Solar.

Abound Solar provides a made in the U.S.A.
product designed to meet the unique requirements of commercial and utility
scale installations. Abound Solar uses a robust, commercial
scale, continuous manufacturing process that results in low cost, high quality
modules that provide superior performance in high heat and diffuse light conditions.

“Current market conditions are challenging for all
U.S. solar manufacturers, but the long-term winners will be
manufacturers of the lowest cost per watt, most reliable systems. By focusing
our resources to accelerate scale-up of our next generation high efficiency technology,
we will sustainably lower total system costs for our customers, increase our
own profitability and grow U.S. jobs and energy security,” Witsoe

Recently, Abound Solar and Solar Integration
Systems (Solarsis) announced the commissioning
1MW solarphotovoltaic plant in Kadiri, Andhra Pradesh, India.




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