Rohinni produces world’s thinnest LED lights

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An Idaho-based startup team named Rohinni, has developed LightPaper, the world’s thinnest LED lighting, which can be applied to any surface and in any shape.

“We print light.” wrotes Rohinni team on their Twitter statement.

Their aim is to enable the foremost lighting option for infinite applications.

The paper-thin LightPaper is made by mixing ink and tiny LEDs together and then printing the mixture out on a conductive layer.

This layer is then sealed between two additional layers. When a current runs through the paper, the randomly dispersed tiny diodes about the size of a red blood cell will light up.


Rohinni’s LightPaper is much thinner than OLED, which has been used in flat screen televisions.

The company is more interested in using LightPaper in the automotive industry, as a new means for making taillights.

The most obvious applications will be illuminating logos on mobile phones backs or snowboards, installing lighting on the wall of the bedroom, or a wearable wristband flashing the time and message notifications.

Its application potential was endless. It can be printed on lamp shades, so lamps would not need light bulbs, said, Nick Smoot, chief marketing officer.

Anywhere there is a light, this could replace that. Eventually people will be able to print their own at home, added Smoot.

With Lightpaper it’s more of a platform of light that can be used in many ways. The company is trying to unlock the ability to create light, he added.

One drawback with the material is the random dispersions of the diodes and isn’t as bright over the whole surface. But the shimmering will not be a problem for many applications.

The challenge is being addressed on how to place the diodes more precisely to create a steady light when printed.

The Lightpaper will be available in market by 2015, as Rohinni will be aiming at the commercial and industrial market first. And a second version of Lightpaper will be out in a few months.

Sabeena Wahid

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