BMW discloses streetlight that charges electric cars

By Editor


BMW has launched a new vehicle charger named the Light and Charge system that integrates a streetlight with ChargeNow stations, reports Slash Gear.

In this system, the charger is directly connected to the streetlight letting illumination at night along with an attractive charge point, providing less traffic in a city.

Currently, these Light and Charge stations will be introduced in Munich where BMW headquarters is situated.


The design of the chargers was done by BMW and any brand of automobile can charge from the lights. BMW wants these Light and Charge system to be a device that promotes more electric cars on the road.

More electric cars on the road will automatically increase the sale of more BMWs. No detailed information is available on how long the new charger system will take to charge an electric vehicle and when it will be launched in other cities.

Electric cars are ideal for people who live in cities where pollution tends to be the worst and driving distances tend to be less with lower speeds.

Sabeena Wahid

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