New Polish Act Opens opportunity for biomass power plants in Poland

Greentech Lead Europe: The new Polish Act on Renewable Energy Sources entails new opportunities for developing biomass power plant projects, for instance at locations of the wood or furniture industry, says a new analysis from Research and Markets.At present, mono-incinerators at such locations produce less than five per cent of the Polish electricity from biomass. Most potentially favorable locations have not yet been developed.

Instead, almost 80 per cent of the biomass electricity and more than a third of the renewable energies in Poland are generated through co-incinerating biomass in coal power plants.

The new Polish Act on Renewable Energy Sources is scheduled to come into effect in the second half of 2013. According to this law, the support of co-incinerators should decrease significantly in the future. By contrast, smaller biomass power plants, mono-incinerators and electricity generation by using CHP technology should receive stronger support. At the same time, the goals in terms of developing and boosting renewable energies are once again increasing.