Rice husk waste is helping The Goodyear to produce fuel-efficient tires. Goodyear has announced that it will make use of ash left over from the burning of rice husks to produce electricity as an environmentally friendly source of silica for use in its tires.
Many years ago, the company has tested silica got from rice husk ash at its Innovation Center and tested its impact on tire performance, which was found to be equal to regular sources. Negotiations with suppliers are going on to purchase rice husk ash silica now.
The use of rice husk ash will provide Goodyear an alternative source of silica while helping reduce the amount of rice husk waste being landfilled. This illustrates Goodyear’s commitment to innovation and to the environment, said, Joseph Zekoski, interim CTO, Goodyear.
Each year, around 700 million tons of rice is harvested globally and disposing of the rice husks is an environmental challenge. Hence, the husks are burned to generate electricity and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills.
Silica, produced is mixed with the rubber in tire treads which will increase the strength as well as reduce rolling resistance, improving fuel economy. On wet surfaces, a positive impact on tire’s traction can be noticed.
With the help of these innovations, tires can be made more environmentally friendly, in materials, performance and the manufacturing process, said Zekoski.
Generally, consumers are asked to keep their tires optimal operation, through Air Maintenance Technology (AMT) and renewable alternatives like soy bean oil are replacing petroleum-based materials in tires to adapt environmental friendly technology.