Siemens has entered into a 15 year service and maintenance contract with Rhyl Flats Wind Farm located off the coast of North Wales.
Almost 50.1 percent of the 90 MW farm is owned by RWE.
Siemens has been providing service and maintenance for the 25 SWT-3.6-107 turbines at Rhyl Flats, since the project began operation from 2009.
Siemens’ offshore wind service and maintenance operations offer the latest concepts and safety logistics designed to provide optimal efficiency.
Remote monitoring and diagnostics, along with Siemens’ expert service personnel, will combine to help the offshore turbines at Rhyl Flats continue to operate at optimal levels.
Rhyl Flats project is expected to provide enough clean energy for approximately 61,000 homes in Wales every year.
When combined with the RWE’s North Hoyle wind farm and Gwynt y Môr offshore project, also using Siemens technology, the three projects will be capable of generating energy to power more than 500,000 homes.
Siemens offshore services are managed from a base built at the Port of Mostyn. The port is also the service and maintenance base for the 576 MW Gwynt y Môr offshore project.
Siemens currently provides service and maintenance for more than 8,700 wind turbines globally, with a combined generating capacity of approximately 21 GW.
Recently, Siemens launched a new alternating-current (AC) grid access solution for connecting near-shore wind power plants to the grid – promising 40 percent cut in costs.
Wind power produces can reduce construction, transport, installation, operation and maintenance costs by up to 40 percent with the new solution.
Siemens said wind power produces can also reduce installation time by around 20 percent.
In another development, Siemens announced the launch of its new flagship offshore wind turbine called SWT-7.0-154.
The company has presented the new SWT-7.0-154 wind turbine at the EWEA Offshore conference in Copenhagen.
Siemens claims that the new model generates nearly 10 percent more power annually than predecessor under offshore wind conditions.
The new model is already set to go into series production by 2017.
Sabeena Wahid