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GE’s supplies WindBOOST service’s technology to Zorlu Enerji Group

Greentech Lead Europe:GE is supplying its WindBOOST service’s technology to Zorlu Enerji Group to enhance the output of 31 GE 2.5-megawatt (MW) wind turbines at the Gokcedag Wind Farm in Turkey.GE recently installed its WindBOOST control software at the Gokcedag Wind Farm, located in the city of Osmaniye in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. GE expects WindBOOST to increase the wind farm’s annual energy production up to 4 percent.

WindBOOST is an ideal product for growing regions such as Turkey where increased development is creating energy demand in short time periods.
Rotor Elektrik Uretim A.S., a subsidiary of Zorlu Enerji, owns the Gokcedag Wind Farm.

WindBOOST is one of many software and controls technologies in GE’s suite of wind service offerings that increase annual energy production. GE is harnessing the power of the “Industrial Internet” and using software and analytics to make its machines smarter and more efficient.

WindBOOST makes it possible for GE 2.5 wind turbines to increase their power curve to 2.75 MW. Depending on wind speed and other site atmospheric conditions, the WindBOOST control automatically activates to increase the energy produced by each unit. Alternatively, WindBOOST can be turned on and off remotely, providing flexibility to ramp up power production.

“By upgrading GE 2.5-MW wind turbines with WindBOOST software, Zorlu Enerji gets the benefit of increased energy production without additional equipment. The 31 wind turbines now operate at the same power curve as 2.75-MW units, which is maximizing Zorlu Enerji’s return on investment,” said Andy Holt, general manager of wind services for GE’s renewable energy business. “Turkey has a target of reaching 20 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy in 2023, and we are proud to help the region meet this goal.”

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