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Itron wins contract from MMID Indonesia

Itron at a trade show

Itron has won a contract from Megalopolis Manunggal Industrial Development (MMID) to improve data collection and operational efficiencies in MM2100 Industrial Town in Indonesia.

MMID will deploy Temetra, Itron’s meter data collection and management solution, delivered via Itron channel partner Multipar Tirta Anugra. The solution will allow MMID to collect frequent and accurate water meter usage data through a unified platform, minimizing billing errors and driving innovation and conservation that aligns with Indonesia’s roadmap to enter the Industry 4.0 era.

With Itron’s Temetra solution, the community will drive further innovation and sustainability with the platform’s automatic water data collection, which flags mis-keyed reads, resulting in reduced billing errors. MMID will take advantage of the platform’s analytics to prioritize unusual water anomalies more effectively and initiate appropriate actions in response.

Itron’s Temetra solution will keep the field workers safe in the field and out of bad weather with the solution’s drive-by water meter data collection. Temetra’s data collector indicates alarm warnings to signal to the workers of potential anomalies occurring in the meter.

“We work together with Itron to deploy Temetra to improve customer satisfaction with improved billing accuracy and increase our productivity and streamline and simplify our water meter operations,” said Kazuo Sudo, President Director at MMID.

“Our solutions enable utilities and consumers to save water and energy, and we recognize MMID’s adoption of Temetra as a leading example of innovation in creating more resourceful communities,” said Don Reeves, senior vice president of Outcomes at Itron.

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