, a coordinated multimedia public outreach campaign to urge water conservation has been launched.
The partners include nearly 20 water agencies and city governments from across the Inland Empire. is a platform for local agencies to meet and act in accordance with a state mandate to cut water use 20 percent by 2020.
The goal of the program is to encourage locals to contribute their part to end water waste in the Inland Empire. connects customers to existing tools and provides information on how to put those resources to work protecting local water resources.
Visitors can connect to existing conservation resources to get information about conservation methods of water.
Besides, the site connects users to water providers and water-saving rebates and programs with the help of a mobile app under development.
This program is promoted by multimedia public effort through local media outlets and theaters, on billboards and buses, and through social media.
Governor Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency due to severe drought and the impacts are felt across the state as well as Inland Empire.
By making conservation a way of life we can secure water resources now and in the future, said, Amanda Kasten, water conservation coordinator, West Valley Water District.