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Vikram Solar enters Ireland solar market

Vikram Solar, producer of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules, has entered into the PV market in Ireland with the project completion of a roof-top installation at University College of Dublin.

The Ireland government has committed to 40 percent of renewable energy by 2020, but the Irish PV market is still dormant. Vikram Solar evaluated the customized requirements of the Irish PV market, now in growing stages.

Vikram Solar completed this roof-top PV installation in Dublin college with Eldora Ultima PV modules with partner firm Coolair.

This installation is part of a 150-rooftop-program, already started in different countries currently totalling to more than 10 percent of the cumulative installed PV capacity of the country.

Prashant Mathur, president, International Sales and Strategic Sourcing, Vikram Solar said, “The company will offer clients with customized solutions to gain the advantages as an early entrant. Ireland is the latest addition to company’s operations in PV markets and the segment will catch momentum in the next couple of years,”

Davide Marro, head, business development, Europe, Vikram Solar said, “By working together with customers, company gets a clear picture of the market needs very early. Coolair has provided with insights and young generation is more aware of sustainable energy generation.”


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