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Tata Power Solar rated tier 1 module manufacturer


Tata Power Solar, a solar PV manufacturer in India, has been rated ‘Tier I module manufacturer’ by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).

BNEF rated the company as tier 1 on its ability to execute different projects with high efficiency levels and also winning the trust of different banks through its excellence in the past two years, a statement from the company said.

Ashish Khanna, ED & CEO, Tata Power Solar, said, “Our focus on producing high quality modules has carved a niche for ourselves and made us one of the most bankable panel manufacturers in the country and globally.”

“This rating differentiates globally the companies investing in quality and excellence, in an industry flooded with low cost, low quality products,” Khanna added.

Tata Power Solar has shipped over 840 MW of modules globally, reaching out to more than 30 countries across the world. Their modules come with the approval of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).

Rajani Baburajan

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