In order to minimize climate change effects, the Tamil Nadu Government has introduced policies that promote renewable energy in the State. The Government aims to make renewable energy a success with an enhanced participation from citizens and concerned officials.
The Government of Tamil Nadu set up an independent agency called the Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) in 1985 to promote the use of renewable sources of energy and to implement projects for the development of renewable energy resources in the state.
Solar Energy
Solar Power is one of the important renewable energy resources in Tamil Nadu. Chief Minister J. Jayalalitha released Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy 2012 with a target of 3000 MW of solar power generation by 2015 and achieving grid parity by 2015. It also aims to promote R&D and encourage large-scale production of solar energy equipment in the state, which will also help create employment and skilled man power in the state.
Tamil Nadu has high solar insolation with 300 sunny days a year. Southern Tamil Nadu is a more suitable region for solar development projects.
Out of the 3000 MW of solar capacity to be achieved by 2015, the 1500 MW is supposed to come from big utility-scale plants, 350 MW from rooftop PVs and the remaining 1150 MW from projects under the Renewable Energy Certificate mechanism.
The mission of the state’s solar energy policy is to analyze the factors contributing to the energy improvement stock that would enhance economic and social well-being of the people, with focus on the rural folks on a sustainable basis through multiple efforts. The policy also aims to facilitate the developmental efforts on tapping solar energy with emphasis on the ‘energy-preneurship’ model using appropriate technology. Further it aims to improve the knowledge and skills of technology developers to make Tamil Nadu as a Solar Hub in the country.
The government plans to focus on achieving maximum energy security through solar power installations within a given period, strive to energize the state through decentralization processes, improve the operation and efficiency of solar project implementers, promote transfer of technology through laboratories and technology parks and protect the environment in the state.
Tamil Nadu Government has initiated a rooftop solar photovoltaic installation scheme and solar powered green -house scheme to promote solar installations in the state.
As per this scheme, all consumers were encouraged to put up roof-top solar installations. A generation based incentive of Rs2 per unit of for first 2 years, Rs1 per unit for next two years and Rs0.5 per unit for following years were given for all solar rooftops being installed before March 2014, with a targeted capacity addition of 50 MW.
For the year 2011-12, 60,000 houses have been taken up and solar powers lighting systems are provided at an estimated cost of Rs.180 Cr, with an eligible subsidy of Rs.42.6 Cr. For the year 2012-13, 60,000 houses have been taken up and are being provided with 49650 CFL based , 10,350 LED based solar power lighting system at an estimated cost of Rs180 Cr, with Rs39.42 Cr subsidy .
In Manjanayakkanpatti village, Karur district, a consortium of textile exporters has commissioned 10 MW PV solar power parks which is said to be one of the largest clean energy parks in the country. The park consists of five solar power plants of various sizes totaling 10 MW built over two phases.
Tamil Nadu has also initiated solar street lighting projects, the first of its kind in the country, as all the street lights so far powered from grid supply are now being powered with solar energy with provision for grid backup.
Under the street lighting projects, the government has decided to energize 1 lakh street lights in village panchayats through solar power over a period of 5 years up to 2016. For the year 2011-12, 20,000 street lights have been taken up at an estimated cost of Rs50.5 Cr. For the year 2012-13, 20,000 street lights have been taken up at an estimated cost of Rs50.5 Cr.
Under this initiative, 18000 street lights with 40W bulbs or tube lights are replaced with 20W LED lights and powered in clusters from centralized Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) power plants through the existing distribution line of TANGEDCO, with grid backup. In addition, per year 1000 new LED based street lights are powered in clusters from centralized SPV power plants. Per year 1000new LED based stand- alone street lights are powered by SPV.
The solar street lighting system has following features like remote monitoring unit to monitor the performance of the street lights, automatic ON/OFF control from 6am- 6 pm as well as dimming
Solar lighting system provided for homes consists of 5 CFLs/ LEDs one each in Living room, Bed room, Kitchen, Toilet & Verandah. These CFLs/ LEDs can be operated for 5hrs a day. The solar home lighting system has smart features to charge the battery from grid on rainy or cloudy day
Moreover, use of solar water heating system is made mandatory for newly constructed buildings and houses as well as industries having hot water or steam water boilers.
The state also has plans to launch solar parks with a capacity of 50MW each for 24 districts.
Further, TEDA has executed the installation of a number of solar air -conditioning, air -heating and solar steam cooking projects in various institutions and organizations across the state.
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation, Tangedco had issued a tender for purchase of 1000 MW solar power to accomplish the aim of utility-scale production target.
Mahindra EPC has set up two 200 MW of solar power plants near Madurai and Tiruchi in Tamil Nadu. Evergreen, Bosch and RIL Power are other solar manufacturers who have established their plants in Tamil Nadu.
Solar investors and financiers in the state
Most of the solar initiatives in the state were implemented directly through the government appointed corporations or nodal agencies like TEDA and Tangedco under the program of Jawahar Lal Nehru National Solar Mission Scheme. Asian Development Bank was a major fund contributor for the installations. Philips LED lights in association with Su-kam solar power solutions executed the LED street light project.