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Clean tech investment in California up by 24% to $3.5 billion in 2011

Clean tech investment in California up by 24% to $3.5 billion in 2011

Greentech Lead America: From 2010 to 2011, clean tech
investment in California increased by 24 percent to reach $3.5 billion, and
clean tech patent registration increased by 41 percent from the period 2005-07
to 2008-10.

According to the 2012 California Green Innovation Index,
California is leading in the global clean technology race is growing and that
leadership is supporting the state’s economic rebound, while also driving
California’s ability to cut emissions.

“VC investment and patent filings are two economic
indicators that signal positive future growth in terms of jobs and businesses.
California’s commitment to an economy that is cleaner will also give us an
economy that is stronger,” said F. Noel Perry, businessman and Founder of
Next 10.

Renewable energy generation levels reached new heights in
2010, accounting for 13.7 percent of the state’s energy portfolio.

In 2011, the state earned 62 percent of total global VC
investment in solar, representing $1.2 billion.

105 patents were registered in California in 2010 in
solar and related processes–that represents a doubling of registrations since

In 2011, California surpassed 1000 MW of installed solar
capacity, putting the state among the top solar adopting countries in the

From January 1995 – January 2010, 1,503 solar businesses
were born in California, an increase of 171 percent.

From January 1995 – January 2010, employment in the solar
sector rose 166 percent with solar installation and contracting jobs
representing the bulk new growth.

From 2009 to 2010, energy generation from renewable
sources in California increased 11.2 percent to represent 13.7 percent of all
energy generated in the state.

California’s wind generation capacity jumped by 44
percent from 2009 to 2010.

For every dollar of GDP generated in 2009, California emitted
28 percent less carbon than in 1990.

Due to energy efficiency efforts, per capita electricity
consumption in California remains close to 1990 levels.

California produces $2.35 of GDP for every 10,000 British
Thermal Units (BTU) of energy consumed. The rest of the U.S. produces $1.43 of
GDP for every 10,000 BTU of energy consumed.


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