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Agnitio Technologies to market PowerOneData International’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Agnitio Technologies to market PowerOneData International's Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Greentech Lead America: PowerOneData International, a
Smart Grid company that offers Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI),
automated smart meters and collector units, has partnered with Agnitio
Technologies, a System Integrator with a primary focus in energy, to market its
Smart Metering and Genii products cooperatively across Agnitio’s global service

PowerOneData International offers its Genii Meter Data
Management software, a cloud based agnostic Meter Data Management solution, to
utilities, municipalities and systems integrators within the energy industry
around the world.

Agnitio Technologies has operational bases in USA,
Canada, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and India.

“This is an important collaboration for PowerOneData
International, which supports our strategy and goal of providing the best
quality end to end solutions for AMI projects around the world. We appreciate
the opportunity of being able to use our competencies to provide Agnitio’s
clients with such a solution,” said Phil Nuciola, chairman and CEO,
PowerOneData International.

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