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Shell announces carbon capture project Polaris in Canada

Shell India

Shell Canada Products announced Polaris, a carbon capture project at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park, Scotford in Alberta, Canada.

Polaris is designed to capture approximately 650,000 tonnes of CO₂ annually from the Shell-owned Scotford refinery and chemicals complex.

In addition to the Polaris FID, Shell announced it will proceed with the Atlas Carbon Storage Hub in partnership with ATCO EnPower. The first phase of Atlas will provide permanent underground storage for CO₂ captured by the Polaris project.

“The Polaris and Atlas projects are important steps in reducing emissions from our own operations,” Huibert Vigeveno, Shell’s Downstream, Renewable and Energy Solutions Director, said.

Polaris and Atlas projects are expected to begin operations toward the end of 2028.

Polaris will have the potential to reduce Scope 1 CO₂ emissions at Shell’s Scotford refinery by capturing and storing up to 40 percent and by up to 22 percent at the chemicals complex.

Shell plans to invest $10-$15 billion across 2023-2025 to support the development of low-carbon energy solutions including e-mobility, low-carbon fuels, renewable power generation, hydrogen, and carbon capture and storage.

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