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India asks Japan companies to invest in energy sector

Piyush Goyal minister

Power and Coal Minister Piyush Goyal on Wednesday invited Japanese energy companies to invest in India to help provide the country continuous and affordable electricity supply.

“India offers a huge opportunity to the world. India is open to investments from around the world in order to help us serve our people with affordable energy access 24×7,” Goyal, who is here to take part in the India Japan Strategic Energy Dialogue, told reporters.

“Everybody realises that nowhere else in the world can they visualise that by 2030 energy production will quadruple and the sector offers opportunity of immense investments up to $250 billion by 2030 and the investment could be as high as 600 billion or a trillion dollars,” he said.

Goyal also said the companies and lenders in Japan have expressed interest in setting up big solar projects and equipment manufacturing units in India.

He noted it was the first India Japan Strategic Energy Dialogue after the BJP formed the government India.

“This time, instead of government to government delegation comprising of different ministers of the government of India, several public and private sector companies have come under the aegis of CII (Confederation of Indian Industry),” Goyal said.

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