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CESL to invest Rs 450 crore in renewable energy project in Goa

CESL CEO Mahua Acharya

Nilesh Cabral, minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy, Government of Goa, inaugurated a project that integrates the delivery of renewable decentralised energy with energy efficient pump sets and LED lamps for rural homes.

Convergence Energy Services (CESL), a subsidiary of Energy Efficiency Services (EESL), will implement the 100MW project.

CESL will implement the project on unused or degraded land across Goa, located close to sub-stations and the point of use. CESL will also deliver the pumps and lights as part of the power purchase agreement. CESL will make an investment of INR 450 crore. Goa will make a savings of INR 2,500 crore over the life of the project.

Approximately 400,000 households will benefit from this project, and 140,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) will be avoided. Savings to the distribution company will be significant from the solarisation of these feeders.

Mahua Acharya, CEO & MD, Convergence Energy Services, said, “CESL aims to be the driving force behind India’s imminent energy transition. It will ramp up areas such as street lighting, domestic lighting, energy efficient cooking and e-mobility.”

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