Danfoss India, a company operating in the climate and energy space, has extended its range of compressor and condenser units for low temperature cold room applications in the country.
The new LLZ scroll range of compressors and Optyma slim Pack Condensing Units are light weight, space saving and consist of environment friendly micro–channel heat exchangers which consume 35 percent lesser refrigerant quantity, the company claims.
With solutions that extend across a temperature range of -40°C to +10°C, the new LLZ range of products help in bringing down operating costs and suit a wide range of operating conditions in different cooling systems.
They also help cut down operating costs and meet the most demanding food standards for units and racks for cold rooms and supermarkets.
“Studies have revealed that 60-70 percent of the total consumed electricity in cold stores is used for the refrigeration plant,” said added Rajesh Premchandran, vice president, Refirgeration and AC Division, Danfoss India.
Danfoss solutions help companies cut down their opex by 20 percent with innovative and efficient solutions, added Premchandran.
The range extension for the Optyma Slim Pack for low-temperature refrigeration applications vary from 0.6 to 5.6 kW while for the medium-temperature refrigeration applications it ranges from 0.8 to 10.6 kW.
This apart, the condensing unit is equipped with components, such compressor, controls and heat exchangers, which are optimized to work together.
Additionally, the heavy-duty scroll technologies make the unit sturdy and provide long-term reliability. It is suitable for cold rooms, fermentation rooms and cold storage space in all kinds of convenience stores and restaurants, Danfoss said.
Rajani Baburajan