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GWEC to discuss Powering the World with Wind and Solar

With wind and solar, more than 3.8 billion tons of CO2 emission can be prevented each year by 2030, says Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

GWEC and EPIA are conducting a joint press conference on 10 December 2014 at the United Nations Climate Summit, COP20, on the topic, “Powering the World with Wind & Solar.”

Steve Sawyer, GWEC CEO – Jeremy Leggett, EPIA representative, will address the audience at the conference.

According to GWEC, large-scale deployment of solar and wind has enabled massive cost reduction. This will continue in the future as capacity further expands.

Also read:

Wind power capacity in Africa to touch 19 GW by 2020: GWEC

GWEC optimistic about China wind energy: 217 GW by 2020

Powering the world with clean and affordable energy, wind and solar are key solutions to decarbonise the global power sector and effectively fight climate change, the agency said.

Recently GWEC said globally wind power could reach 2000 GW by 2030 and supply up to 17-19 percent of global electricity.

Global wind energy installations totalled 318 GW by the end of 2013, and the industry will grow by another 45 GW in 2014, a report from GWEC said.

Rajani Baburajan

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