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Advanced Solar Photonics to showcase Glass-to-Glass modules at Intersolar North America

Advanced Solar Photonics to showcase Glass-to-Glass modules at Intersolar North America

Greentech Lead America: Advanced Solar Photonics, (ASP),
an American manufacturer of photovoltaic (PV) equipment and provider of turnkey
alternative energy systems, will introduce a line of next generation
glass-to-glass PV modules at Intersolar North America 2012.

ASP will be featuring five G2G products along with the
ASP 400 Watt series of PV modules at the trade show.

ASP’s dual sided glass module (G2G) series will include a
range of products featuring bifacial cells, framed and frameless construction,
and optical tracking front sheets with micro lenses.

ASP’s G2G series bifacial technology is expected to
replace costly axis-based mechanical tracking systems with less expensive
optical tracking panels while achieving the same efficiency gains. 

G2G PV solar panels feature thinner tempered glass, which
reduces the distance light travels, thereby increasing overall module
efficiency 10 percent.  ASP modules feature a holographic material
sandwiched between the silicon and EVA layers maximizing the time per day they
can generate electricity from the sun.

ASP claims that its G2G modules will have a usable
lifetime of 50 years without danger of mechanical damage or temperature and
humidity-related delamination of the back sheet.

Thinner glass ensures less heat, thermal stability,
resistance to impact and elimination of micro fractures.  The
glass-to-glass lamination method with no multi-layer back sheet also reduces
fire hazard and lessens the probability of mechanical damage over the lifetime
of the module.

“The use of glass-to- glass technology in PV module
encapsulation and fabrication is an example of how electricity costs can be
hedged through innovation and technology rather than through financial
tools,” said Lawrence Hefler, spokesman for ASP.




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